Nandamuri Balakrishna who completed hat-trick hits with his latest outing Daaku Maharaj is currently doing the sequel for Akhanda, titled Akhanda 2 being helmed by Boyapati Sreenu. This is the fourth film in this combination, after they completed hat-trick hits.
Tollywood’s Lucky Charm Samyuktha is finalized to essay the heroine in the movie. While the actress is enjoying best phase with back-to-back hits, she is also getting female centric movie. Boyapati Sreenu who is known for writing powerful female characters wrote a significant character for Samyuktha in Akhanda 2.
Produced by Raam Achanta and Gopichand Achanta of 14 Reels Plus, with M Tejaswini Nandamuri presenting, Akhanda 2 is being made at Pan India level with a lavish budget. The movie is scheduled for release on September 25th.