Victory Venkatesh’s latest film, Sankranthiki Vasthunnam, directed by Anil Ravipudi, became a huge blockbuster at the box office. Despite having tough competitors like Game Changer and Daaku Maharaaj in the Pongal race, Sankranthiki Vasthunnam emerged as a bigger hit by a huge margin.
Meanwhile, Anil Ravipudi termed this film the ‘8th Wonder’ of his career. Speaking in a recent interview, he said that the houseful ticket sales show audiences’ genuine interest in watching the movie. He said that he is grateful to the audience for such an incredible response and added that he feels Sankranthiki Vasthunnam is like the 8th wonder of his career. The film also happens to be his eighth directorial project.
Whatever Ravipudi said was right because no one expected a regular commercial comedy-drama like Sankranthiki Vasthunnam to become such a huge hit. People expected it to be another F2 or F3 which can enthral a section of audiences. However, the film proved all predictions wrong and is now marching towards the 300-crore mark.
Anil Ravipudi opined that a unique promotional campaign, featuring Venkatesh and the rest of the star cast, helped in creating a pre-release buzz in a huge way. Also, the chartbuster songs made audiences come to theatres to experience that musical magic on the big screen. All these factors helped Sankranthiki Vasthunnam in becoming a mammoth success.