In a humorous incident from Rohtak, Haryana, a young woman adopted the persona of the popular cartoon character Shinchan Nohara to dodge a traffic cop after committing several violations. The light-hearted exchange, captured on video, has gone viral, highlighting the cop’s patience and composure amidst the playful chaos.
The woman, who was caught riding a scooty without a helmet, on the wrong side of the road, without a number plate, and after running a red light, responded to the officer’s queries with an amusing claim: “Mai hun Shinchan Nohara. Mujhe koi nhi le jaa skta. (I am Shinchan Nohara. No one can take me).” She proceeded to mimic Shinchan’s antics, turning the encounter into a comical spectacle.
The video, shared on Instagram by traffic cop Amar Kataria, who also identifies as a digital creator, showcases the officer maintaining his calm despite the woman’s lighthearted defiance.
When stopped, the woman joked about her identity and continued to impersonate the cartoon character, disregarding the seriousness of her infractions. Kataria remained professional, informing her of the traffic challan while patiently engaging with her antics.
At one point, a passerby intervened, offering to pay the fine on her behalf and requesting the officer to let her go. Ignoring the interruption, Kataria used humor to convey the importance of road safety, warning her that without a helmet, “Yamraj (the god of death) might come for her.”
In a cheeky response, the girl responded with: “Yeh Yamraj kon hai? apke papa.(Who is ‘Yamraj’, your father?)”
In a cheeky retort, the woman asked if Yamraj was the officer’s father, confidently asserting that no one could take her away as her name was “Shinchan Nohara.” The officer’s calm and composed response to her playful demeanor has won hearts online, turning the incident into a viral sensation.
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