Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit starrer Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai will see some big changes in the story ahead. In the recent episodes, we have seen that Abhira was surprised seeing the way Poddars tried to put Abhir down despite knowing that Vidya is behind his accident. Abhir lost his legs because of the accident but Armaan only kept trying to save Vidya. Abhira presented the proof and Vidya was sent to the jail for 10 years. We saw that the issues between Abhira-Armaan grew as everyone blamed Abhira for breaking their family. However, Abhira brought Vidya back from jail with the help of a minister.
But still, the Poddars left no chance to disrespect her. Vidya asked Armaan to destroy Abhira’s life if he loves his mother. Armaan trapped her in a fraud case and got her law license canceled. Abhira broke and decided to stop thinking of her relationship with Armaan. Roop Kumar entered her life and he motivated her to get back to work. He asked her not to fall weak in front of people like Armaan.
Abhira hated Roop Kumar aka RK at first but soon got to know that he was running behind money for his mother, Shivani’s treatment. However, nobody knows that Shivani is Armaan’s biological mother. Abhira decides to work with RK so that they both get to earn money.
But, Armaan feels jealous seeing Abhira and RK together. RK also slowly starts falling for Abhira and gets possessive about her. In the upcoming episodes of Rajan Shahi’s , we will see that Vidya will feel happy that Armaan and Abhira have separated but will get to know that Armaan still loves her. She will see Armaan has kept Abhira’s belongings safely.
Vidya will decide to remove Abhira from Armaan’s heart. She will notice Armaan getting affected with Abhira working alongside RK. She will use this and create a scene before Armaan. She will accuse Abhira of trapping RK in her love despite not being divorced to Armaan yet.
She will try to show Armaan how Abhira has moved on and she does not care about Armaan’s feelings. Will Vidya be successful in breaking the beautiful bond or will this take another turn?