Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai TV serial took the fifth spot on TRP chart in week 2 of 2025. The show starring Rohit Purohit and Samridhii Shukla saw a drop in TRP numbers. Fans don’t seem to be much happy with Armaan and Abhira’s separation. But it looks like the makers have a plan in place. In today’s episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, fans got to see a dream sequence that brought Armaan and Abhira together.
The latest episode of started with Armaan () hunting for pictures with Abhira (). He feels sad that the pictures have been put in dustbin. Then there is a flashback sequence. It shows Armaan and Abhira being all happy. He has bought a gift for her and wants her to guess. She thinks he has got her something to eat, however, he’s got her a nightdress. Charu and Krish barge in making everything awkward.
I cannot get over how endearing this flashback moment was. And it only hurts more to see this very forced and badly written separation. I miss them like this. Together and happy ❤️
— ❀ ❥ Ankita ❥ ❀ (@_whatsinaname7)
Later, we see Manish and Swarna being supportive as Abhira starts a new job. She wants to go to the temple to seek blessings. However, she bumps into Armaan on her way. His car breaks down and Abhira helps him to fix it. He then offers her a lift to the temple.
In Poddar house, there is chaos as someone wrote ‘Buddhi’ on Kaveri’s car. Rohit, Krish, Manisha and others laugh. At the same time, Manisha is missing Abhira. They meet at the temple and talk about Vidya.
In the upcoming episode, we shall see Armaan feeling helpless and crying as he is missing Abhira. He wants to forget Abhira but he still loves her dearly. All the drama around Vidya’s car hitting Abhir and being sentenced to jail has taken a toll on Armaan-Abhira’s relationship. Will they ever be able to get back together? To know and more, stay tuned to BollywoodLife.