Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit starrer Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is in the news. We have recently seen how Abhira came to know that Vidya is behind Abhir’s accident. She was shocked as Vidya left Abhir on the road to die. Abhira understood it was an accident but the way Vidya left him hurt Abhira. Manish filed a case against Vidya and Abhira had to fight. Armaan decided to defend his mother and misunderstood Abhira that she filed the case. Sanjay asked the Poddars to lie for Vidya’s safety. However, Armaan said that he will not use lies to win. However, Sanjay made sure Armaan does not reach the court and he takes up the case.
He brings Abhir’s fake medical reports and proves him mentally unstable. Abhira gets shocked and questions Armaan as his family decided to take the wrong route. Armaan feels guilty but decides to fight for his mother. Abhira feels shattered