Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai TV serial has Rohit Purohit and Samridhii Shukla as leads. Armaan and Abhira’s love story has taken a drastic turn over the past few episodes. After Abhira’s brother Abhir made an entry, the rivalry between the Poddars and Goenkas has peaked. After Goenkas sent Vidya Poddar to jail for Abhir’s accident, Armaan has been angry with Abhira. They are on the verge of divorce. In the upcoming episodes, we shall see Armaan and Abhira being torn apart thanks to the divorce proceedings.
In the new precap of , we see Abhira () getting a call from the court stating that Armaan () has locked the divorce date. She gets to know that Armaan wants to sign the papers the very next day. Fans are suspicious as the video also shows Armaan asking about the date finalised by Abhira. Is it some evil conspiracy planned by the Poddars to separate Abhira and Armaan. Vidya is dead against their relationship and under no circumstances, she wants them to be reunite.
Meanwhile, in today’s episode, we saw Armaan and Abhira sharing a moment. She sneaks into the Poddar house as she wants to meet Charu. Abhir is in love with Charu. However, she is willing to sacrifice everything as sister Kiara wants to marry Abhir. Charu has rejected Abhir’s proposal but Abhira wants them to be together. She sneaks into Armaan’s room and demands that she wants to talk to Charu. They share a moment as they hide under the blanket. However, the moment ends soon!
Precap : Abhimaan ke divorce ki final hearing
— AS? (@Singhalpita)
On the other hand, Roop Kumar has given Abhira’s number as emergency contact in the hospital where his mother is seeking treatment. Abhira meets Shivani who is the biological mother of Armaan at the hospital. Shivani is talking about the picture of Madhav Poddar. But somehow Abhira misses to notice. Will Abhira ever get to know about Armaan and Armaan’s connection? Will she reunite Armaan with his biological mother? For more , stay tuned to Bollywoodlife.