Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is one of the most popular shows on the television screens and the high-voltage drama has kept audiences glued to their plot. The makers are leaving no stones unturned in adding various twists and turns in their upcoming episodes. In the latest episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Abhira and Armaan are on the verge of getting divorced and fans want them to stay together. On the other hand, Vidya points fingers at Abhira’s character as she links her name with Roop. Meanwhile, Abhir decides to not eat or drink as he wants to get married to Charu. Abhira decides to talk to Charu about Abhir.
In the upcoming episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Abhira gets a call from the hospital for Roop’s mother. Roop’s mother considers her to be her daughter-in-law. Roop also reaches the hospital. Meanwhile, in the office, a client talks ill about Abhira in front of Armaan. He gets into a fight with him and throws him out. Madhav makes Armaan understand that he still loves Abhira and the latter starts crying.
Roop’s mother repeatedly calls Abhira her daughter-in-law and the latter is unable to stop her. Roop tries to stop her, but his mother does not listen to him. Roop apologizes to Abhira for his mother’s mistake. Abhira tells Roop to conitnue doing the drama in front of his mother as she wants her to get well soon.
Shivani tells Roop to bring a gajra for Abhira. RK tries to make Abhira wear gajra and Amraan pushes him away in anger. As Armaan leaves, Shivani asks RK to bring two garlands and tells RK, Abhira to exchange them in front of her. Abhira hesitates and refuses to wear the garland. At the same time, in the office, Armaan tries to calm down and checks all the files of Abhira. He even decides the time and date for his and Abhira’s divorce. Abhira gets to know about the same and cries her heart out. What will happen next? Will Abhira and Armaan separate officially? Will Abhira get married to RK?