Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai TV is one of the most popular shows that has viewers across all age groups. For the unversed, it has Rohit Purohit and Samridhii Shukla as the show’s leads. From Armaan and Abhira’s contract marriage to them falling in love, there has been no dearth of drama in this serial. Later, the track of marriage, pregnancy and separation left fans of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai on the edge of their seats. If you thought this was all, let us tell you, the show has much more to offer.
In the latest episode, we shall see Abhir, Charu and Kiara’s love triangle adding to the chaos.
In the upcoming episodes of , we will see Kiara fight with her family because she wants to marry Abhir. However, Abhir is in love with Kiara’s sister Charu.
There is enough confusion as the Poddars will hold Abhir culpable for flirting with Kiara. In the upcoming episodes, Abhir will reveal that he loves Charu unconditionally and wants to marry her. Manoj will question him about the messages he had sent to Kiara.
He will clarify that he had mistakenly thought that he was chatting with Charu. During his his explanation, he’d reveal that even he wondered why Charu was different on chat and in person.
This confusion will add to the existing chaos and rivalry between Poddars and Goenkas. Abhira will try to calm everyone down. But Abhir’s love confession will put everyone in a fix. Charu expresses her love for Abhir and accepts his proposal.
According to the latest developments in the storyline, tensions will get intense between Abhira () and Armaan () once again. Abhira will stand by her brother Abhir, even if it means getting into a fight with everyone to bring Abhir and Charu together. However, Armaan may oppose their union, refusing to accept Charu and Abhir’s marriage. This could lead to a confrontation between Armaan and Abhir. Making the situation complex, Roop Kumar will introduce some unexpected twists, along with the arrival of Armaan’s biological mother.