Preparations for the Mahakumbh are in full swing, with increased security measures being implemented amidst reported threats. Concerns over the circulation of counterfeit currency during the event have also emerged, as a significant haul of fake notes was recently seized from a madrasa in Shravasti, just 265 kilometers from Prayagraj. With billions of rupees expected to be exchanged during the Mahakumbh, authorities are investigating whether the counterfeit currency operation was aimed at infiltrating the event’s financial activities.
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In a major breakthrough, the police in Shravasti have seized a large cache of counterfeit notes being printed in a madrasa. This raises suspicions that the operation may have been intended to supply fake currency during the Mahakumbh, which is expected to draw 45 crore people and generate transactions worth billions of rupees.
Shravasti is located just 265 kilometers from Prayagraj, a distance that can be covered in six hours. The proximity adds to the speculation surrounding the motive behind the fake currency production.
Shravasti police, in collaboration with the SOG (Special Operations Group), raided a madrasa in the Malhipur area and seized counterfeit notes worth Rs 34,500, along with Rs 14,500 in genuine currency. Five individuals were arrested during the operation.
The raid also led to the confiscation of one printer, two laptops, bottles of ink, an illegal firearm, cartridges, and other electronic equipment. The team responsible for uncovering this fake currency racket will be rewarded Rs 25,000 for their efforts.
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