After a lacklustre 2023 despite two releases (Tejas, Chandramukhi 2) and no films in 2024, Kangana Ranaut is all set to be back on the big screen with Emergency. The film based on the life and times of Indira Gandhi is slated to release on the big screens on January 17. The film was earlier slated for a June 2024 release date however, it was delayed following the non-issuance of certificate by the censor board. However, the film finally got a clearance by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) after the actor-producer Kangana agreed to make the changes suggested by them in her film.
With the trailer getting mixed reactions, all eyes are on the film’s box office collection. It is after all the first big Hindi film of the new year, headlined by one of the most popular actresses of Bollywood. The actress’ past few releases haven’t performed well at the box office, barring one average success, Manikarnika (2019). Her subsequent films, Judgementall Hai Kya (2019), Panga (2020) , Thalaivi (2021) and the two releases in 2023 all failed to create any magic at the box office.
In such a scenario, how crucial is Emergency success for the actress? We asked trade experts if it will be a wrap for the actress if her latest political drama fails to impress. “Kangana’s era seems to be long over,” opines trade analyst Sumit Kadel. “Her last clean hit was Tanu Weds Manu Returns back in 2015. Since then, she’s only had one average success with Manikarnika. And we must watch how well the film Emergency opens,” he shares. The advance booking for the film is yet to begin.
However, all is not lost and he is not ready to call this an end for the actress. “Queen 2 and Tanu Manu 3 might revive her career, but we have to see whether they would be made or not,” Sumit reveals.
Trade expert and film critic Rohit Jaiswal is of the opinion, “I won’t say wrap. As there is a possibility of Tanu Weds Manu 3.” He also feels that a lot depends on Emergency, “One has to see if it’s a film that justifies Indira Gandhi or turns out to be a film against ex PM.”
All said and done, one thing that has been consistent with Kangana’s films is her performance. There’s no two ways about the fact that she is a fine actress with a strong screen presence. Even in the films that were highly disappointing, Kangana’s earnest acting shined throughout. She played a politician earlier in Thalaivi (where she played actress-turned-politician Jayalalitha)and she does it again with Emergency and irrespective of how the film turns out to be, Kangana’s performance as India’s former PM Indira Gandhi will be one to watch out for.
The biographical political drama is co-produced and directed by Kangana and also stars actors like Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman amongst others.