Every Friday, the fate of Bollywood’s film industry changes. Post the pandemic, the industry is struggling when it comes to box office. However, before the pandemic, Bollywood has witnessed some major successes. With success of each film, stars have got the tags of megastar, superstar and more. So here’s an interesting story of an actor who managed to change the fate of his film after 12 weeks of its run in the theatres.
Initially, when the film release, it did not make money. Audiences chose to give the film a skip despite some major actors being a part of it. However, the lead actor then pulled a stunt, that turned the movie into a blockbuster hit.
The movie is that released in the year 1967. The action thriller starred , Babita Kapoor, Aruna Irani, Kanchan, Sajjan, and Manohar Deepak in leading roles. The movie, initially, did not get box office success. Even after being in theatres for 12 weeks, the movie saw barely any traction. It was about to be declared as flop and pulled down from the theatres. However, lead star Jeetendra then came up with a strategy. As per reports, the actor bought tickets of the film in the 12 week with his own money. He believed that if the film stays in theatre for 15 weeks, it will work. And he was right. As per a report in IMDb, his idea worked and after 15 weeks, the movie turned out to be a hit. It was then the third-highest-grossing film of the year.
As per reports, movie Farz was made on a budget of Rs 1.10 crore. Its box office business was around Rs 5 crore with its worldwide business. The movie was a hit and is now termed as a cult-classic. For more such interesting stories and, watch this space.