Mahakumbh Stampede: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday addressed the media after stampede-like situation near ‘Sangam Nose’ area at MahaKumbh. Yogi issued an appeal to the devotees attending the Mela to follow the guidelines and cooperate with the authorities. He also urged everyone to not pay attention to any kind of rumour.
CM Yogi Adityanath urged devotees to use the nearest designated Ganga ghats for bathing instead of attempting to reach the ‘Sangam Nose’ area.
“There are multiple ghats available for bathing. Please avoid overcrowding and follow the directions of the administration. Your cooperation is essential in maintaining order and safety,” he said.
Yogi urged devotees at the ongoing Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj to remain calm and not fall for rumours following a stampede-like situation in the area.
In an appeal posted on social media platform X, the Chief Minister advised pilgrims to bathe only at designated ghats and avoid crowding near the Sangam Nose. “Take bath at the ghat of Mother Ganga near which you are, do not try to go towards Sangam Nose. All of you should follow the instructions of the administration and cooperate in making arrangements. People are bathing peacefully at all the ghats of Sangam. Do not pay any attention to any rumours,” he wrote.
The appeal came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke with the Chief Minister regarding the situation and called for immediate support measures. Union Home Minister Amit Shah also reached out to Adityanath, assuring him of full assistance from the Centre.
Additionally, Union Health Minister JP Nadda discussed the incident with the Chief Minister and pledged complete support, including the deployment of volunteers and health services, to ensure effective management of the situation.
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