Zomato CEO, Deepinder Goyal has faced backlash over an extra fee being charged on vegetarian meal orders and issued a public apology later. The controversy began when LinkedIn user Rohit Ranjan voiced his frustration and expressed that being vegetarian in India felt like a “curse” because of these additional charges. He went on to criticise Zomato for making vegetarian meals appear as a “luxury tax” rather than a regular dining option.
In response to the backlash, Zomato’s CEO, Deepinder Goyal replied to the post and assured customers that the extra fee would be removed. He also promised to address the issue within the team to ensure that something like this doesn’t happen again, emphasizing that the charge would be eliminated right away.
Rohit Ranjan quickly responded, saying, “Thank you once again for stepping in and saving us! What truly surprised me during this journey was successfully driving this idea from the ideation phase to execution while also securing senior stakeholder approval.”
Earlier today, Deepinder Goyal made headlines with the announcement that Zomato has launched a wellness facility at their headquarters in Gurugram. This initiative is part of the company’s efforts to prioritize the health and well-being of its employees.
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