A stampede-like situation occurred during an event of Bageshwar Dham chief Dhirendra Krishna Shastri in Maharashtra’s Thane on Saturday. The incident took place in the Mankoli Naka of Thane. There have been no reports on any injuries so far, and more details are awaited.
| Thane, Maharashtra: A stampede-like situation occurred during the event of Bageshwar Dham chief Dhirendra Krishna Shastri in Mankoli Naka. More details awaited.
In the visuals shared by news agency ANI, chaotic scenes were on display as people gathered in huge numbers, and security deployed there was seen using sticks to control and manage the crowd.
Dhirendra Kirshna Shastri, who is also known as Bageshwar Dham Sarkar, is the ‘peethadheeshwar’ of Bageshwar Dham, considered a religious Hindu site in Gada village in Chattarpur district of Madhya Pradesh.
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