On January 19, Salman Khan announced Karan Veer Mehra as the winner of Bigg Boss 18. The actor had faced fierce competition from Vivian Dsena, who was often called Colors ka ladla/beta. When KVM was announced as the winner, reactions were divided on social media and among the contestants. On social media, fans of other contestants voiced their concerns, questioned the voting process and how Karan emerged victorious when Vivian was equally deserving based on the support from audience.
Amidst the ongoing questions and drama, former winner Shilpa Shinde has also voiced her opinion on Bigg Boss 18’s finale and called out the makers for being “biased” and pre-determining the winner. In a statement, the actress questioned the channel how long they intend to deceive their viewers.
As reported by News18, Shilpa said, “I don’t know, kuch logo ko pata chal gaya ki makers khud hi decide karte hain winner. Khud hi banate hain, apne ghar se uthakar late hain aur khud hi dikhate hain. Toh channel ki jo bhi strategy hai, I think logon ko pata chal gayi hai. Aap ek limit tak logon ko ullu banaa sakte ho, uske baad nahin (I don’t know but some people have learnt that makers themselves decide the winner. They bring people and show it to them. People have learnt about channel’s strategy. There’s a limit to which they can fool people).”
Shilpa Shinde’s statements come just a few days after she cheered Karan Veer Mehra for winning the show. On Instagram, she cheered KVM for his win and wrote, “A Big Big Congratulations to you Karan for winning BB18. Record break kar diya, back to back Do Reality Show ki trophy apne naam ki hai. A Big Thanks to all his genuine fans and all the supporters & shilpians too.” We wonder what changed in a week which has made Shinde question the show and its winner!