SEBI has introduced new guidelines in a move to regulate ‘fin-fluencers’—influencers who share finance-related content—India’s capital market regulator. These rules impose strict restrictions on aspects like the use of live market data in educational content. According to a SEBI circular released on Wednesday, content creators will now only be allowed to use stock prices with a three-month delay. This measure is designed to prevent their content from being mistaken for real-time trading advice disguised as financial education.
“A person engaged solely in education shall mean that such person is not engaged in any of the two prohibited activities,” wrote SEBI.
“Such (a) person should not be using the market price data of the preceding three months to speak/talk/display the name of any security including using any code name of the security in his/her talk/speech, video, ticker, screen share etc. indicating the future price, advice or recommendation related to security or securities,” it noted.
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