The Delhi Police have seized Rs 47 lakh in cash from a car during a routine check-in in south Delhi’s Sangam Vihar area, officials said on Tuesday. The vehicle was being driven by Vaseem Malik (24), a resident of Sangam Vihar and a self-proclaimed scrap dealer. He was intercepted by the Static Surveillance Team (SST).
This incident in the national capital comes days ahead of the much-anticipated Assembly elections which are slated to be held on February 5 and the votes will be counted on February 8.
Delhi | Yesterday, during checking, a car was stopped at T- point, Mangal Bazar Road, Sangam Vihar by SST and a bag containing cash of about Rs 47 lakh was seized from the car. The car was being driven by Waseem Malik R/o Sangam Vihar, age 24 yrs who claimed that he is a scrap… — ANI (@ANI)
Further elaborating on the car seizure, the Delhi Police informed that during checking, a car was stopped at T- point, Mangal Bazar Road, Sangam Vihar by SST and a bag containing cash of about Rs 47 lakh was seized from the car.
The car was being driven by Waseem Malik R/o Sangam Vihar, age 24 yrs who claimed that he is a scrap dealer. The money has been seized and further action is being taken as per the rules, the police said.
According to officials, Malik failed to provide the required documentation for the cash, prompting officials to seize the amount. Authorities are investigating the source of the money and further action is being taken per legal protocols, news agency PTI reported.
The action was taken due to the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) imposed by the Election Commission (EC) ahead of the upcoming Assembly polls. The seizure by the Delhi police is alarming, as the poll body has set a strict limit on the amount allowed to be carried while the MCC is in place in any state.
1. According to the EC, all movements of Indian currency or foreign exchange should be effected by the person(s) authorized, who must carry the supporting documents.
2. The movement should be based on a requisition made by the receiver and directed to the destination address. The EC advised people not to carry cash of Rs 50,000 or more without supporting documents.
3. Unexplained cash over Rs 50,000 will be confiscated by the authorities. Seizures over Rs 10 lakh will be referred to the Income Tax Department (IT).
4. If the cash is being moved from the office/branch of the Authorized Person (AP), it should leave the place only after being recorded in the AP’s books of accounts.
5. Similarly, if the destination of the currency movement is the office/branch of the AP, it should be recorded in the AP’s books of accounts on the same day or the date of receipt.
6. The transfer of foreign currency between branches of the same AP should be accounted for as a stock transfer and not as a sale, to avoid double counting. The movement of cash should be consistent with the documents.
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