The incident that took place at’s home has shocked all. On January 16, an intruder entered Saif Ali Khan’s home and got into a scuffle with the actor. Saif faced some serious injuries to his spine, neck and hands. He was rushed to Lilavati hospital where he underwent a surgery. Since yesterday, the focus is on Saif Ali Khan, with fans wishing for his speedy recovery. The Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital has now shared Saif Ali Khan’s health update.
In a media conference held, Niraj Uttamani, the Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati, said that he was the first one to meet the actor when he came into the hospital. He revealed that was drenched in blood but he walked in like a lion. He was accompanied by his small son . Earlier, there were reports suggesting that it was who took Saif Ali Khan to the hospital after the attack. However, it has now been clarified that it was younger son Taimur who was with Saif when he reached hospital.
Talking about his latest health update, the doctor stated that the actor is doing very well and his parameters have improved. The actor will be shifted from ICU to special room. Today, the doctors are going to keep visitors in check as the actor requires rest. The doctor mentioned that Saif Ali Khan is a real hero in true sense.
Saif Ali Khan Attack Case Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital says, “I was the first one to meet Saif Ali Khan when he came to the hospital. He was drenched in blood but he walked in like a lion with only his small kid, Taimur. Saif Ali Khan is…
— ANI (@ANI)
Yesterday, stars like and others were spotted visiting Lilavati Hospital to check on Saif Ali Khan. and were also present. Late evening, Saif’s mother Sharmila Tagore paid a visit to the actor.