New Delhi: A suspect identified as Aakash Kailash Kannojia (31), as reported by PTI, has been detained in Durg, Chhattisgarh, in connection with the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, as per Mumbai Police. The information about the suspect was shared by the Assistant Police Inspector at Juhu Police Station, Mumbai. Two days after the shocking incident, authorities received intelligence that the suspect was travelling aboard the Jnaneswari Express, and a photo of the suspect was circulated. The suspect was apprehended at the Durg RPF post, and Mumbai Police officials were contacted through a video call to verify his identity.
A team of Mumbai Police officers is set to arrive in Raipur today to take custody of the suspect, according to Munawar Khursheed, IG RPF SECR Zone, Bilaspur, as per ANI report.
Actor Saif Ali Khan attack case: A suspect Aakash Kanojia has been detained from Durg, Chhattisgarh. Information about this suspect was received from Assistant Police Inspector Juhu Police Station, Mumbai Police that a suspect is travelling by Jnaneswari Express train and he… — ANI (@ANI)
Earlier, CCTV footage had shown the suspect wearing a yellow t-shirt, and police confirmed that the suspect had changed his clothes several times in an attempt to evade identification. Investigators further revealed that the assailant likely fled from the scene in Bandra by train, making a stop in Dadar, where he purchased headphones from a mobile shop.
The violent attack on Saif Ali Khan took place in the wee hours of Thursday at his flat in Bandra, Mumbai. Reports indicate that the intruder initially confronted the actor’s maid at his residence. When Saif tried to intervene, the situation escalated into a violent altercation. The assailant allegedly stabbed the actor multiple times, resulting in serious injuries.
Saif Ali Khan was immediately rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery. The surgery, which involved the removal of a 2.5-inch-long knife blade, was successful in preventing further damage to Saif’s spinal cord. Although Saif is reportedly “out of danger,” medical professionals continue to monitor his condition closely.
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