Fresh details have surfaced in the case pertaining to the stabbing incident that took place inside actor Saif Ali Khan’s house in Mumbai’s Bandra during the wee hours on Thursday. Amid the investigation in the case, the Mumbai police have been making rigorous efforts to trace the accused. According to police, the attacker was last seen near the Bandra Railway Station.
Police suspect that he caught the first local train in the morning to go towards Vasai-Virar after the incident. Based on the suspicion, Mumbai Police teams are carrying out searches in the Vasai, Nallasopara, and Virar areas.
Actor Saif Ali Khan attack case | The accused was last seen near the Bandra Railway Station. Police suspect that the suspect caught the first local train in the morning to go towards Vasai-Virar after the incident. Mumbai Police teams are searching in Vasai, Nallasopara and Virar… — ANI (@ANI)
In the attack inside Saif Ali Khan’s house, three people, including the actor, the nurse, and another staffer, sustained injuries. The actor was stabbed six times, resulting in injuries to his spinal cord. Following the incident, he was rushed to the city’s Lilavati Hospital by his son Ibrahim in an auto-rickshaw.
Earlier, Mumbai Police said that they have taken possession of a portion of the blade extracted from Saif’s back, while efforts to recover the remaining part are still underway. Meanwhile, the Lilavati Hospital said that the actor’s family and the doctors will decide on moving the actor to a normal ward from the ICU later in the day.
Bollywood Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder in his 11th-floor Bandra flat at around 2:30 am on Thursday. The incident occurred when an intruder allegedly confronted the actor’s maid at his residence. As Saif attempted to intervene and de-escalate the situation, it escalated into a violent altercation, resulting in the actor sustaining several stab wounds.
More than 30 hours have passed but the Mumbai police have yet to arrest the accused, an official said on Friday. The city police have formed 20 teams to track down and nab the intruder and are tapping their network of informers to locate him, officials have said.
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