After six days of being hospitalised at the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, actor has been discharged today. An intruder entered the house during the early hours of Thursday, stabbing the actor. The man stabbed the actor six times repeatedly, on his neck and back. The surgery removed a piece of knife that had lodged in Saif’s back.
IANS reported that would be discharged from the hospital today. He is done with the formalities required before he could be sent back home. Even though the actor is safe to go back home, the doctors have advised that he take complete bed rest for a week. The report also mentioned that the doctors have asked the family to not let any visitors meet him to prevent an infection.
Furthermore, the Mumbai Police have finally arrested the man who attacked Saif at his Bandra residence. To avoid detection, the man, whose real name was Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, assumed the alias Vijay Das. The cops arrested him in Thane, where he used to work at a restaurant bar as a housekeeper. The police revealed that the attacker had hidden in the garden for two hours after attacking Khan in order to evade arrest. The police stated that the man has illegally come to India from Bangladesh. The cops revealed, “He called his brother and asked him to send his school living certificate. His brother sent it (the certificate) on Fakir’s mobile phone. This document is strong evidence to prove he is a Bangladeshi national.”
Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan arrived at the hospital by auto after suffering a stab wound. Taimur Ali Khan, his son, accompanied him. Kareena Kapoor Khan also gave a statement to the cops last week. The actress mentioned that the man was quite aggressive towards Saif, but he didn’t steal anything.