: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked at his Bandra residence in Mumbai on January 16, suffering multiple stab wounds while protecting his family from an intruder. In the aftermath of the violent encounter, new details and visuals have surfaced, intensifying the ongoing manhunt for the attacker.
A fresh image from CCTV footage shows the suspect in a yellow t-shirt, a stark contrast to the black shirt worn during the attack and the blue shirt seen the following day. According to police reports, the suspect changed his attire multiple times to evade identification. Investigators also confirmed that the assailant likely fled Bandra by train, making a stop in Dadar, where he purchased headphones from a mobile shop.
Authorities criticized Bandra police for their delayed response, which some senior Crime Branch officials believe allowed the attacker to escape. A lack of timely coordination with the Crime Branch and Government Railway Police (GRP) hampered efforts to capture the suspect immediately.
During their probe, police questioned a shopkeeper in Dadar and examined CCTV footage from his store, but the merchant denied any knowledge of the attacker’s identity. Meanwhile, investigators tracked down Bhajan Singh Rana, an auto-rickshaw driver who transported Saif Ali Khan to Lilavati Hospital after the assault. His statement has been recorded as part of the case.
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Despite deploying more than 30 police teams, the attacker remains at large. Mumbai Police are analyzing extensive CCTV footage, questioning witnesses, and investigating potential personal and professional motives behind the attack.
In her official statement, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan described the harrowing experience, detailing her immediate decision to move her children and other family members to the upper floors for safety. She recounted Saif’s heroic effort to shield his family, confronting the intruder despite sustaining severe injuries. Kareena emphasized that nothing was stolen, but the attacker displayed extreme aggression and made multiple attempts to harm Saif before fleeing.
Saif Ali Khan was rushed to the hospital by his elder son, where he underwent emergency surgery to remove a knife blade lodged near his spine. Doctors at Lilavati Hospital have confirmed that the actor is stable and on the path to recovery. He is expected to be discharged within a few days.
The police investigation remains active, with authorities urging anyone with relevant information to come forward as they pursue all leads to ensure justice for the actor and his family.
(With Agency Inputs)
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