is back home from hospital. The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai after he was stabbed multiple times by an intruder in his home. The incident left everyone shocked. In the wee hours of January 16, an intruder entered Saif Ali Khan’s home reportedly with an intention of carrying out a theft. The actor jumped in to save his family and that’s when he suffered some serious injuries. The actor underwent a surgery to remove the piece of knife from spinal cord. While the investigation is on, a statement made by a Maharashtra Minister has raised eyebrows.
Maharashtra Ports Minister at a recent event spoke about the attack on He made some shocking remarks referring to the actor as ‘garbage’ and even said that he wondered if Saif was attacked as he “dancing while walking” out of the hospital. In a video shared by news agency ANI, the minister could be heard saying, “I saw when he (Saif Ali Khan) came out of the hospital. I doubted whether he had been stabbed, or he was acting. He was dancing while walking.” He further also targeted other politicians by saying that everyone talks about it when Shah Rukh Khan or Saif Ali Khan get hurt, but nobody says anything when Hindu stars like Sushant Singh Rajput suffer. The minister was reportedly quoted saying, “When a Hindu actor like Sushant Singh Rajput is tortured, no one comes forward to say anything…”
Pune: Maharashtra Minister Nitesh Rane says, “Look at what Bangladeshis are doing in Mumbai. They entered Saif Ali Khan’s house. Earlier they used to stand at the crossings of the roads, now they have started entering houses. Maybe he came to take him (Saif) away. It is…
— ANI (@ANI)
Saif Ali Khan has not made any statement as yet about the attack. Reportedly, has recorded her statement with police. The staff members of Kareena and Saif’s home have also recorded their statements.