is currently recovering in Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai after he suffered injuries during a scuffle with an intruder at his residence. In the wee hours of Thursday, a burglar had allegedly barged into Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s apartment in Bandra. Upon noticing the intruder, Saif quickly intervened. During the confrontation, the actor was allegedly stabbed six times before the intruder managed to flee. Saif was promptly taken to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery for his wounds.
The latest reports in this case reveal the chilling details shared by the staff members of’s home. A nurse working for the Khans reportedly revealed that the intruder demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore before attacking her and Saif Ali Khan. As per a report in TOI, the FIR in this case has nurse Eliyama Philip recounting the chilling details of the attack. The intruder has been identified with slim build, dark complexion and in late 30s. He reportedly entered Saif and younger son Jeh’s bedroom. According to reports, he was armed with a stick and a sharp blade. Initially, the attacker demanded Rs 1 crore. When Philip resisted, he attacked her, causing injuries on her wrist. Soon, another house help woke up and alerted everyone.
Following the commotion, Saif Ali Khan rushed to his son’s room and got into a scuffle with the intruder. He suffered injuries on his neck, hands and back, before the intruder fled from the scene, says the report.
Earlier, Dr Nitin Dange addressed the media and shared Saif’s health update. He confirmed that the actor underwent a surgery to remove a knife from his thoracic spinal cord. “A surgery was performed to remove the knife and repair leaking spinal fluid. Two other deep wounds on his left hand and one other on his neck were repaired by the plastic surgery team. He is completely stable now. He is recovering well and out of danger now,” the doctor said.
The first glimpse of the intruder has already been made public. A CCTV footage of the suspected intruder descending the stairs of Saif Ali Khan’s residence has gone viral on social media.