Bollywood actor was attacked at his Bandra residence on January 16 in an attempted robbery. The actor was stabbed 6 times out of which 2 were deep cuts. He was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai and doctors performed surgery on him. Saif is now out of danger but reportedly is still unconscious. are safe.
Amid all of this, Taimur’s former nanny Lalita D’Silva expressed concern over the incident. She said the two young children – Taimur and Jeh – must have gone through during the ordeal. In an interview with Pinkvilla, she said, ‘I am feeling very bad, It is unbearable for me to imagine how Taimur and Jeh will be feeling at this point, especially Jeh. They must have got really scared.’
Lalita D’silva was Taimur’s nanny from 2016 to 2023. She was part of Saif and Kareena’s household for seven years. She continued saying, ‘I am feeling very anxious about this whole incident and firmly believe that the culprits must be punished. I haven’t been able to speak to anyone from the family yet, but I wish and pray that they are all safe’.
For the uninitiated, a robber entered Saif and his wife Kareena Kapoor’s home on Thursday morning and demanded Rs 1 crore. The robber allegedly confronted the actor’s domestic help and when Saif tried to intervene, he sustained several stab wounds. Kareena and their two sons, Taimur and Jeh, were in the house then. Saif’s team confirmed on Thursday afternoon that he was out of danger and had been moved to the ICU. Kareena issued a statement saying, ‘It has been an incredibly challenging day for our family, and we are still trying to process the events that have unfolded. As we navigate this difficult time, I respectfully and humbly request that the media and paparazzi refrain from the relentless speculation and coverage’.