Bollywood actor was recently attacked by an intruder at his Bandra residence and was swiftly rushed to Lilavati Hospital. After undergoing surgery, the actor is now recovering. After he was discharged, Saif made a public appearance, and his photos and videos quickly went viral on social media. One unseen photo that has surfaced shows him smiling as he poses with his son, Ibrahim Ali Khan.
The actor looks relaxed as pairs a dark blue t-shirt with white pants and shoes. Ibrahim grab everyone’s attention even though he sports a casual look in a blue shirt paired with off-white ripped jeans.
Saif’s sister, Saba Pataudi had recently reacted to trolls for questioning the actor’s speedy recovery. She shared a post featuring a doctor who explained why Saif’s people have been calling his recovery quick. She wrote, ‘Educate yourselves: Doctor explains why people call Saif’s recovery ‘quick’.
Meanwhile, Mumbai police continues with their investigation in the stabbing incident that took place at Saif’s house. The police recently confirmed that they have gathered conclusive evidence against Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir also known as Vijay Das, a Bangladeshi national who has been arrested in connection with Saif.