Anupamaa actress Rupali Ganguly has been getting all the attention since a long time. A lot has been said about her ever since her stepdaughter, Esha Verma made serious allegations against her. Esha is Ashwin Verma’s daughter from his first marriage. Esha said that Rupali broke their happy family and has abused her and her mother. She also added that Rupali stole her mother, Sapna’s jewellery and gave strange medicines to Ashwin. She also said that Rudransh is Rupali and Ashwin’s illegitimate child. This left Rupali fuming and hence she field a Rs 50 crore defamation case against Esha. Sana Raees Khan is Rupali’s lawyer and they got interim relief in the case yesterday.
Now, Sana Raees Khan has shared an update about the interim relief they have got. She shared a statement that said, “This relief ensures that false and damaging content is restrained across all platforms, reinforcing that the law protects individuals from targeted attacks on their reputation. The court order specified: Pending the hearing and final disposal of the suit, defendant No. 1 (Esha), her agents, servants, representatives, followers, or any person acting on her behalf are restrained by order of prohibitory injunction from publishing, posting, sharing, circulating, or otherwise disseminating any defamatory, false, slanderous, or libellous statements, posts, videos, tweets, stories, or content against the Applicant through any medium, including but not limited to social media platforms, digital and print media, or other public forums, either directly or indirectly.”
Esha cannot ask any third party to share anything against as well. Anything coming out about Rupali and if its related to Esha then she would have to bear the consequences.
Apart from this, Rupali has been in the news for many other reasons. She has been accused of getting actors removed from her show . Earlier, Nidhi Shah, Sudhanshu Pandey, Paras Kalnawat, Madalsa Sharma have directly and indirectly shared that they left the show because of Rupali. Recently, Alisha Parveen was removed from the show and Rupali was blamed by the netizens.