Bollywood’s cutest couple and welcomed New Year with their daughter Raha Kapoor and their family. In a video shared by Neetu Kapoor on her Instagram Stories, Ranbir can be seen running towards his wife Alia Bhatt to give her a tight hug as the clock struck 12 on January 1. Ranbir and Alia paint the town red with their love and we cannot take our eyes off them.
Another snap posted by Neetu showcases Raha tightly hugging Ranbir. , , Raha and others reportedly flew for Germany for the New Year celebrations on December 28. In the video, Ranbir and others were seen doing the countdown. As the clock struck 12, the fireworks started and he quickly ran to Alia to celebrate the moment with her. Ranbir and Alia were seen twinning in black outfits. Raha looked cute in a red frock.
This is real life Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani.. The perfect ever after ???
(The way he came running, hugged, and kissed her ??)
— RAY✨️ (@HereForRK)
Alia, Ranbir and Raha enjoyed themselves with Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, her husband, Bharat Sahni, their daughter, Samara Sahni, and Alia’s mother, Soni Razdan. Neetu looked classy in a black maxi dress, while Riddhima, Samara and Bharat were colour coordinated. Soni Razdan looked chic in a red outfit. The pictures were captioned as, ‘Happy 2025 (sic)’.
Earlier, the Kapoor family was seen celebrating Christmas with a grand lunch. Raha made a grand entry with her parents and her cuteness won everyone’s attention. She even greeted the paps and gave them a flying kiss.
On the work front, Ranbir has Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana: Part 1 and Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love & War in the pipeline. Alia who was last seen in Jugra will be seen in Alpha and Love & War.