Makers of the recent web series – which features , grandson of the late legendary actor Shashi Kapoor, in a key role – had recently hosted a screening in Mumbai. As expected, the event saw the presence of several popular faces from the showbiz industry. Interestingly, too attended the event to show support to his cousin Zahan. And what turned out to be the key highlight of the event was the camaraderie shared by Ranbir and Zahan, videos and photos of which exploded on social media.
In one video which has gone viral on social media, and Zahan looked adorable as they shared a candid moment while posing together for the cameras. They exchanged a brief chat before Zahan made his exit. As evident from the video, Ranbir looked effortlessly stylish as he donned a casual denim-on-denim look, He had paired a white T-shirt with a denim jacket and matching cargo pants.
Zahan too donned a simple yet chic look. He had opted for a black T-shirt paired with dark blue jeans, and a brown jacket.
The event also saw the presence of several popular names including Fatima Sana Shaikh, Ali Fazal, Anurag Kashyap, , Pratik Gandhi, Mahesh Bhatt, and Neetu Kapoor. Black Warrant, which has been directed by Vikramaditya Motwane, also features Rajshree Deshpande, Rahul Bhatt, Anurag Singh, Paramvir Singh Cheema, and Sidhant Gupta in key roles. The series is available for streaming on Netflix.