Rana Daggubati has been backing some strong content movies, and he turns presenter for the maiden production venture of Jhanvi Narang. Priyadarshi will play the lead role, alongside Anandi and Suma Kanakala, with Navaneeth Sriram making his directorial debut. Puskur Ram Mohan Rao is the other producer of the movie to be made on SVCLLP and Spirit Media.
The makers announced a pleasant title Premante for the movie, and the title poster looks cool showing two tea glasses, indicating romantic conversation between the lead couple. The movie was launched today with Rana clapping and Sandeep Reddy switching on the camera for the muhurtham shot.
The movie is set to offer a thrilling experience, as reflected in its intriguing tagline, Thrill U Praptirasthu. Vishwanath Reddy and Leon James will take care of cinematography and music respectively.
ఇదే అసలైన ప్రేమకథ… థ్రిల్తో 😉
Introducing #Premante? – Thrill-u Praptirasthu 🌟
A unique love story featuring @PriyadarshiPN and @anandiactress, with @ItsSumaKanakala in a key role ❤️🔥
Directed by @NavaneethFilm 🎬
Exciting music by @leon_james 🎵 pic.twitter.com/zy1t7Z33JI
Tags Premante