Director Vishnu Vardhan who is familiar for the Telugu audiences with his film Panja starring Pawan Kalyan is introducing Akash Murali as a hero with his latest flick Premistava, where star director Shankar’s daughter Aditi Shankar will be seen as the leading lady. Meanwhile, the film’s trailer was launched.
The trailer gives us a sneak peek into a love story that’s all about second chances. Akash and Aditi love each other, with each enjoying other’s company. However, a few mix-ups throw them off track, leading to a heartbreaking breakup. But years later, the two find themselves tangled in a chaotic situation when Aditi ends up in jail.
It’s clear from the trailer that Premistava isn’t just about love- there’s plenty of high-octane action and intense drama to keep us hooked. Vishnu Vardhan’s direction perfectly blends romance with thrilling sequences.
Cameron Eric Bryson’s cinematography looks stunning, and Yuvan Shankar Raja’s music seems to elevate every emotion on screen. Produced by XB Film Creators and distributed by Mythri Movie Distributors, the movie is set to hit theaters on January 30th.