Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to launch several railway projects, including the Jammu railway division and a terminal station in Telangana on Monday via videoconferencing. The Prime Minister will inaugurate the Charlapalli New Terminal station in Telangana and lay the foundation stone of the Rayagada railway division building of the East Coast Railway. According to a PMO press release, the Jammu division will fulfill the long-pending aspiration of the locals by improving their connectivity to other parts of India.
The new division will create employment opportunities, infrastructure development, promote tourism, and lead to the overall socio-economic development of the region, the release stated. It will comprise the following sections: Pathankot-Jammu-Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla (423 route km), Bhogpur-Sirwal-Pathankot (87.21 route km), Batala (excluding)-Pathankot (68.17 route km), and Pathankot-Joginder Nagar (narrow gauge section, 163.72 route km).
The total length of these sections will be 742.1 kilometres. At present, the Indian Railways operates 17 zones with 68 divisions across the country. With the creation of this division, the Indian Railways will have 70 divisions under its 17 zones.
Charlapalli New Terminal station in the Medchal-Malkajgiri district of Telangana has been developed as a new coaching terminal along with the provision of a second entry with a cost of around Rs 413 crore. The environment-friendly terminal, having good passenger amenities, will ease congestion on the existing coaching terminals in the city, like Secunderabad, Hyderabad, and Kacheguda, the statement read.
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