Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister and senior BJP leader Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday made his debut in the Delhi assembly elections 2025 with a scathing attack against the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Yogi Adityanath accused the AAP of playing with national security and urged Delhi voters to not get swayed by the promises of the ruling party.
“You must have seen how riots were carried out in Delhi in 2020 and the involvement of Aam Aadmi Party councillors and their MLAs in this entire conspiracy came to the fore. They are constantly playing with national security. The person who can betray his guru Anna Hazare will be an expert in betraying the public as well. They are betraying the country as well as the people,” said CM Yogi.
The BJP leader accused the AAP of turning Delhi into trash. He also countered former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal for referring to Uttar Pradesh in his public statements.
“These days Arvind Kejriwal is repeatedly talking about Uttar Pradesh, but he should not forget that now people are looking at Uttar Pradesh as a model. I want to ask, there is Okhla Industrial area in Delhi but only a few new industries were set up in the last 10 years here. There is no facility. Under a planned conspiracy, AAP did not let industries flourish in Okhla. They settled Bangladeshi infiltrators and Rohingyas here. These Bangladeshi infiltrators are being given Aadhaar cards through Aadhaar-making machines in the houses of Aam Aadmi Party leaders. There is a New Okhla Industria area in Uttar Pradesh as well. Today, go and see the roads of Delhi and Noida, you will see the difference,” said Yogi.
CM Yogi also challenged Kejriwal to take a bath in Yamuna while referring to the Maha Kumbh being held in Prayagraj.
Delhi will go to the polls on February 5 and the counting of votes will take place on February 8.
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