Superstar Mahesh Babu’s next film with SS Rajamouli is yet to get a title. Billed to be an African Adventure drama, the film carries a lot of expectations already. It is almost confirmed that Priyanka Chopra is a part of the film, playing the female lead. Now, we hear that Prithviraj Sukumaran is reportedly playing a key role. There are new speculations that Prithviraj is replaced by John Abraham. But Prithviraj confirmed talks with the makers of SSMB29.
In the latest interview, Prithviraj Sukumaran confirmed that he is still in talks with the SSMB29 team, and nothing has been finalized yet. There are reports that he will play the lead antagonist but there is no confirmation on the same too.
On the other hand, if Prithviraj is likely to be a part of the film and if the movie also features John Abraham, it would be the most-stylish project as ever.
Mahesh Babu is definitely not going to have any more vacations and the regular shoot is expected to begin shortly. By the time the first schedule gets wrapped up, the team might confirm the details of the film’s cast.
Tags Mahesh Babu Prithviraj Sukumaran SSMB29