Superstar Mahesh Babu and director Trivikram’s much-anticipated film Guntur Kaaram was released during Sankranthi 2024 amid huge expectations. However, the film ended up as a big disappointment. Though the film didn’t perform well, the album of this movie was a super hit. Especially, the song “Kurchi Madathapetti” created ripples across the globe.
This chartbuster has now reached a new feat. The song has reached 550 million views on YouTube. YouTube Music already named it India’s official top song of 2024. Now, it has crossed the 550 million mark, which is an incredible feat.
Initially, when the song was released, it was criticized heavily. People trolled music director Thaman for his composition and slammed director Trivikram for using a viral cuss statement as a hook note to the song. But over time, the catchy tune, vibrant choreography and unlimited repeat value made people fall in love with it.
The craze of Kurchi Madathapetti crossed all borders and many people from various countries performed this song on various mediums. What was once the most trolled song became the most viral song in one year.
Tags Kurchi Madathapetti