I&B Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Thursday shared with people that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved setting up the 8th Pay Commission to revise salaries of nearly 50 lakh central government employees and allowances of 65 lakh pensioners. The move will benefit around 1.15 crore employees and pensioners. The term of the 7th Pay Commission will end in 2026 and Vaishnaw said that the government will have sufficient time to make provisions for the same and the pay commission will come into effect next year.
According to the reports, around 50 lakh central government employees, including defence personnel, will benefit from the decision. While the Central government employees and pensioners are present across the country, around 4 lakh employees in Delhi, including defence and Delhi government employees, will benefit from the recommendations of the 8th Pay Commission panel.
In past, the salaries of Delhi government employees were increased with the 7th Central Pay Commission. While the decision to increase state government employees’ salaries lies with the state government, the respective state government mostly follows suit whenever the Central government announces a pay hike.
The 7th pay commission saw an expenditure increase of Rs 1 lakh crore for fiscal 2016-17.
Implementation of the pay panel’s recommendations provides a significant boost to consumption and economic growth, along with improved quality of life for government employees, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Usually, every 10 years, the central government constitutes a pay commission to revise the remuneration of its employees. The pay commission also recommends the formula for the revision of dearness allowance and dearness relief for central government employees and pensioners with a view to compensating them for inflation. (With PTI inputs)
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