Actor Siddharth has often been in the news for his straightforward yet controversial statements. In a recent public meeting during the Hyderabad Literary Festival, the actor was invited as a guest to speak about the movie ‘Chittha’ movie which deals with a lot of sensitivity on child-rape. While praising the film and the message it gives, renowned singer Vidya Rao asked Siddharth to give an insight into his thought process behind making Chithha.
While Siddharth said he could have chosen many more commercially viable films, he made Chithha instead because the film is about child safety and ends with hope. If the ending had been made from the perspective of revenge, justice, or vendetta, the film would have earned 15 times more profit than it did.
The Indian 2 actor while speaking about toxic masculinity, said, ‘I used to get scripts where I’m slapping women, doing item songs, pinching somebody’s navel, telling a woman what she should do, where she should go, etc. I rejected them outright. Of course, I might be a far bigger movie star today if I was differently wired. I instinctively did what I liked.’
Siddharth says the satisfaction he feels can’t be quantified in monetary terms. His next film is Test, a Tamil romantic film starring Nayanthara and Madhavan.