In a moment that could only occur in India, a video reportedly from Goa has gone viral for its mix of humor and spontaneity. The footage, shared widely on X (formerly Twitter), shows a woman paragliding against the stunning backdrop of the sea and sunset.
As she soars through the sky, a voice from below shouts, “Bhaiya, lighter hai?” What follows has left viewers in fits of laughter. The paragliding woman descends from the air and hands a lighter to the person below. The scene, complete with laughter from onlookers, perfectly captures the quirky and unfiltered spirit that India is known for.
India Is Not For Beginners Goa – Random Paraglider gives Lighter! — Rosy (@rose_k01)
The video, captioned “India is not for beginners,” also includes a text overlay reading, “God sends an angel from up the sky.” It quickly went viral on X, generating a wave of reactions and comments.
The unexpected humor of the moment resonated with viewers, sparking witty remarks in the comment section. One user jokingly noted, “Goa is not for beginners,” in reference to the state’s vibrant and unpredictable lifestyle.
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