New Delhi: Bringing a huge relief for the GST taxpayers, the government on Friday (January 11) extended the deadline for filing monthly GST sales return form GSTR-1 and GST payment by 2 days amidst numerous claims by taxpayers who reported that filing of GST was not possible due to technical glitches in the GSTN system.
As per a notification by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), the last date for filing GSTR-1 for December is January 13, while that for taxpayers opting for quarterly payment under the QRMP scheme for the October-December period will be January 15.
Normally, the last date for filing GSTR-1 for monthly return filers is January 11, while for quarterly taxpayers it is January 13. The deadline for GST payment by filing GSTR-3B for December has been extended to January 22, from the existing date of January 20.
For taxpayers who pay GST quarterly, the due date has been extended to January 24 and January 26, depending on the state-wise registration of the business.
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