In a major success, the Punjab Police have arrested six members of the Kaushal Chaudhary gang, preventing multiple target killings, officials reported on Monday. The gang members are linked to several high-profile murders, including those of kabaddi player Sandeep Singh Nangal Ambian and Youth Congress leader Sukhmeet Singh. The arrests were carried out by the Counter Intelligence unit in Amritsar, successfully preventing a planned target killing in Punjab.
Gaurav Yadav, the Director General of Police (DGP) Punjab, said on X, “In a major breakthrough, Counter Intelligence Amritsar, foiled a major target killing in Punjab by arresting six members of the Kaushal Chaudhary Gang, including key associates Puneet Lakhanpal @ Sharma and Narinder Kumar @ Lalli.”
In a major breakthrough, Counter Intelligence Amritsar, foiled a major target killing in Punjab by arresting six members of the Kaushal Chaudhary Gang, including key associates Puneet Lakhanpal @ Sharma and Narinder Kumar @ Lalli
Arrested accused were evading arrests since the…
— DGP Punjab Police (@DGPPunjabPolice)
The accused, who had been on the run for three years, were found in possession of six sophisticated weapons and 40 live rounds. They were also connected to an indiscriminate firing incident at a hotel in Rajasthan and an extortion demand of Rs 5 crore.
“They were directly involved in the murders of Kabaddi player Sandeep Singh Nangal Ambian (2022) and Sukhmeet Singh @ Deputy (2021). They were also involved in firing indiscriminately at the Highway King Hotel in Rajasthan and demanding an extortion of Rs 5 crores in September 2024,” the DGP said.
Yadav praised the achievement, reaffirming the police’s commitment to dismantling organized crime networks and maintaining peace in the state. “An FIR has been registered at PS SSOC, Amritsar. Punjab Police remains resolute in its commitment to dismantling organized crime networks and ensuring peace and harmony across the state,” DGP Yadav added.
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