In a big loss to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Arvind Kejriwal as seven MLAs resigned on Friday from the party including Kasturba Nagar MLA Madan Lal, Janakpuri MLA Rajesh Rishi, Bijwasan MLA B.S. June, Adarsh Nagar MLA Pawan Sharma, Palam MLA Bhavna Gaur, Mehrauli MLA Naresh Yadav, and Trilokpuri MLA Rohit Mehraulia have all left the party. All these MLAs were reportedly upset over being denied tickets by the AAP.
PTI sources reported that these MLAs were disgruntled after being denied tickets for the February 5 polls and were in touch with other parties.
Most of the MLAs shared their resignation letters on social media and slammed AAP over corruption and other issues.
The stage is all set for the 70 assembly seats for Delhi elections which is going to be held on February 5 and the votes counted on February 8.
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