Sithara Entertainments, the leading production house of Telugu Cinema, has delivered a huge blockbuster with MAD. The movie starring young actors like Narne Nithin, Ram Nithin and Sangeeth Shoban surprised everyone with its hilarious unadulterated MAD content.
Now, makers are bringing the much-anticipated sequel Mad Square. Writer-director Kalyan Shankar has once again treated this sequel in a similar unadulterated way like the first one, say makers. Already released songs impressed everyone.
Everyone is eagerly waiting for the release date announcement, and the makers surprised everyone with the update. Mad Square is releasing worldwide in theatres on March 29th, 2025. The team promises mad maxx Entertainment.
Haarika Suryadevara and Sai Soujanya are producing the film on Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas, respectively, along with Srikara Studios. Suryadeva Naga Vamsi is presenting the movie.
Ace Cinematographer Shamdat Sainudeen is back behind the camera while National Award winning editor Navin Nooli is editing the film. More details to be announced soon.
Tags MAd square Nithin Sangeeth shoban