Mohanlal scored an industry hit in Malayalam with his 2019 film Lucifer, directed by another star actor Prithviraj Sukumaran. The same film was remade as Godfather in Telugu, starring Chiranjeevi in lead role. Now, Mohanlal and Prithviraj are back with Lucifer’s sequel, L2E Empuraan.
The makers have released the teaser of this movie recently. The first part ends with a twist where political kingmaker Steven Nedumpally’s other identity as Abraam Khureshi gets revealed. The second part seems to be focusing on Khureshi’s story and intervenes in the political saga happening in Kerala.
The teaser doesn’t reveal anything about the plot but features some well-choreographed action pieces. Mohanlal looks dapper even at such an age. We get a glimpse of Prithviraj as Mohanlal’s subordinate towards the end of the teaser.
L2E Empuraan seems like a worthy sequel to Lucifer. This time, the makers produced the film on a large scale and are releasing it across India. Empuraan will hit the theatres on March 27, 2025 in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi. It is produced by Lyca Productions and Aashirwad Cinemas.
Tags Lucifer