Marcela Iglesias, a 47-year-old Los Angeles woman known as a self-proclaimed “human Barbie,” plans to undergo blood transfusions from her 23-year-old son, Rodrigo, in an effort to maintain her youthful appearance. Having spent nearly $100,000 on cosmetic procedures, Iglesias believes the transfusion could help rejuvenate her cells and keep her “ageless.”
Speaking to the New York Post, Iglesias explained, “Blood transfusion is the new era of maintaining young cells in your system, especially when it comes from your own son or daughter.” She also mentioned that her mother could benefit from the procedure, with Rodrigo offering to help her as well.
Rodrigo, who is familiar with the procedure’s process and benefits, is enthusiastic about assisting his grandmother, according to Iglesias.
Iglesias, who has previously explored stem cell therapy, learned about the potential benefits of receiving blood transfusions from younger donors. She believes that using her son’s blood could enhance these effects.
She elaborated on the benefits of the transfusion, saying, “Blood transfusions bring fresh red blood cells to carry oxygen through your body. Plasma carries proteins and clotting factors, perfect for helping with bleeding or healing.”
Iglesias compared the rejuvenating process to a traveler drinking water after a long journey, stating, “At the end, I should be left feeling stronger, steadier, and more supported.”
She plans to undergo the procedure early this year and is currently searching for a qualified doctor to perform it safely.
Despite a large following of 1.2 million on Instagram and frequent appearances at red carpet events, Iglesias has faced mixed reactions from the public. While some admire her unique lifestyle, others have criticized her decision.
Meanwhile, the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warnings about treatments involving plasma from young donors, citing a lack of thorough testing to prove their safety and effectiveness.
Nevertheless, Iglesias remains committed to the procedure, viewing it as an essential part of her efforts to maintain her youthful look and improve her family’s health.
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