The ongoing Kannada language debate in Karnataka has flared up once again, particularly in Bengaluru, a city known for its vibrant multicultural identity. The dispute centers on whether people, especially those who do not speak Kannada, should be expected to learn the local language in order to respect regional culture.
The controversy took a new turn after a Bengaluru-based entrepreneur accused a police officer of harassment over his inability to speak Kannada.
Vatsal Sanghvi, an entrepreneur, shared his experience on social media, claiming that he and his friend were subjected to unwarranted harassment by a policeman while they were sitting outside around 10:30 pm in Bengaluru.
According to Sanghvi, the police officer initially approached them with a hostile attitude, questioning their presence and actions. However, the situation reportedly changed when his friend began conversing in Kannada. Sanghvi stated that the officer’s tone softened, and he eventually apologized, allowing them to continue without further issue.
I don’t if anyone else has faced this in Bengaluru but this happened yesterday
I was sitting with a friend outside go native, lavelle road at ~10:20 PM post and was showing him a product on my laptop (we were about to leave and then suddenly realised that I missed showing him…
Sanghvi took to social media to express his frustration, writing, “I’m all for learning the local language, but uncalled-for harassment for not speaking it is unacceptable.” He further emphasized that he believes in respecting local culture but does not support mistreatment based on language barriers.
Following the viral post, the Bengaluru Police department responded with a standard request for more details. In their reply, they asked Sanghvi to provide the exact location of the incident and to direct message (DM) his contact number for further investigation.
This response was typical of the police department’s standard procedure when dealing with public grievances, yet it did little to quell the growing debate surrounding the issue.
This latest incident has only added fuel to the ongoing Kannada language controversy in Bengaluru, which has divided public opinion. Some advocates for the language argue that learning Kannada is essential for respecting local culture and fostering better integration into the community.
They believe it is an important aspect of preserving the region’s identity in a city with a large influx of people from other states.
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