Jailer star is grabbing eyeballs after an indecent video of him intoxicated went viral on social media. The video is causing an uproar among netizens who are slamming him for his behaviour. In the video clip, he was seen hurling abuses at people from his balcony while wearing a mundu. He then removed his clothes and eventually fell to the floor. He later sat up again and started creating a scene.
After the video of Vinayakan’s verbal spat went viral, the actor apologized for his act. He even admitted that he understood his actions and expressed regret. He even revealed that he has been struggling with certain issues and promised to make an effort to behave properly in public.
എന്തുവാടേയ് ഇതൊക്കെ….ഫുൾ കിളിയും പോയോ ?
— ???? ?????? (@sijo_jsp)
Vinayakan has made headlines for his behavior in public in the past and managed to raise eyebrows. Earlier, he faced criticism after a video of him getting engaged in a heated argument with a vendor in Goa has been going viral. In the video clip, he was seen creating a scene on the streets while verbally abusing the vendor. The actor was detained at Hyderabad airport by CISF authorities and he was intoxicated when he was traveling from Goa to Kochi when officials caught him. He was taken into custody for causing a disturbance and creating chaos. He was even released on bail and addressed the incident in an interview with Manorama News wherein he denied doing any wrong doings. He said, ‘I do not know why I’m being taken into custody. I have done no wrong. The CCTV visuals can be checked for evidence’. On the work front, Vinayakan was seen in Rajinikanth starrer Jailer and Thekku Vadakku.