The attack on actor has shocked the film industry. On Thursday early hours, between 1-2 am, a man entered Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s house in Bandra. The man attacked Saif with a knife and stabbed him six times. On Saturday, Kareena Kapoor Khan gave her statement to the police. Actor has reacted to the shocking incident.
In a viral video, Jackie Shroff was asked about stabbing incident and if it’s a dangerous time for Bollywood. The actor said, “Dangerous mod pe nahi hai (Bollywood). Yeh ghatna hui hai, durghatna hai yeh. Par iska matlab yeh nahi hai ki koi attack chal raha hai (on Bollywood). Aisa kuch nahi hai. Bollywood is not in danger. This incident has happened but it doesn’t mean there is an attack on Bollywood.”
added, “Unfortunate hai, bohot unfortunate hai… But I hope he’s well. Sabko apna dhyan rakhna chahiye, apna gharwalo ka, apni security ko, building ke jo watchman hote hain unko dhyan dena chahiye. It is very unfortunate what happened to Saif and I hope he is well. Everyone should look after their security; the building’s watchman should be careful.” However, the actor got distracted by the crowd around him and lost his temper on the media. He yelled, “Baat kar rela bawa. Ye, haan chal.” But Shroff also calmed down immediately.
Meanwhile, the Mumbai Police has arrested the accused, Vijay Das, aka Mohammed Iliyas, from Thane. The cops informed me that he used to work at a restaurant as a waiter and believe that he is from Bangladesh.