As Mumbai Police’s investigation into the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case continues, actress and wife of the actor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, has recorded the statement with the police. The police are making all-out efforts to nab the accused man, who is still absconding even after 50 hours of the incident.
A senior police official said on Saturday that Kareena Kapoor Khan informed them that the intruder who entered their house in Mumbai got aggressive during the scuffle but did not touch jewellery kept in the open, as reported by news agency PTI. The police recorded the actress’s statement following the attack at the Bollywood star couple’s apartment in Bandra in the early hours of Thursday, the official said.
An intruder attacked Khan (54) after entering his 12th-floor apartment in the Satguru Sharan building. The actor sustained multiple stab wounds, including on his neck, and was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery. The intruder still remains at large despite more than 30 teams on the lookout for him on Friday.
According to the official, Kareena, in her statement, said the intruder got very aggressive during the scuffle with Saif, stabbing him multiple times. He, however, did not touch the jewellery kept in the open, PTI reported.
He said the police are yet to record Khan’s statement. After the incident, Kareena’s sister, actress Karishma Kapoor, took her to her residence in Khar, the official said. The police have formed more than 30 teams to trace the attacker, who remains at large more than 48 hours after the incident.
Meanwhile, autorickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, in whose vehicle the actor was rushed to the hospital, is hogging media limelight and is being hailed as a hero. Rana said he was not aware that the passenger with the blood-soaked ‘kurta’ he ferried to Lilavati Hospital was popular actor Khan, a Padma Shri awardee. “It was only when we reached the hospital gate that he called the guard to fetch a stretcher, saying he was Saif Ali Khan,” he told reporters.
Rana said when he was passing by the building where the actor stayed, a woman and a few others asked him to stop the rickshaw. “Then the person whose white kurta was soaked in blood got in the auto. I noticed he had neck and back injuries, but did not notice the hand injury,” he said. “He (Saif) walked into the auto. There was a seven or eight-year-old boy who also boarded the rickshaw,” he said when asked if the actor’s son Taimur accompanied him to the hospital. “When we reached the hospital, he called out to the guard at the gate and told him, ‘Please bring a stretcher. I am Saif Ali Khan’,” he said.
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