A social media influencer from India, Akash Sagar, is under investigation after a video of him and his companions chanting religious slogans inside a church went viral. The video, posted by Sagar on his Instagram account—which has over 1.5 million followers—shows him entering the Church of Epiphany in Mawlynnong, located in the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya.
The video quickly spread across multiple platforms, drawing widespread criticism
In the footage, Akash Sagar, along with two companions, is seen entering the altar area of the church, chanting religious slogans such as “Jai Shri Ram,” and mocking Christian hymns.
Their actions were perceived by many as a deliberate attempt to desecrate the sanctity of the church, sparking a public outcry. The video’s content, including the chants and altered hymns, raised concerns about potential harm to religious sentiments, particularly in a region known for its religious diversity.
The controversy took a legal turn when a Shillong-based activist filed a police complaint at the Laitumkhrah Police Station, condemning the incident as premeditated. The activist accused Akash Sagar and his companions of intending to insult the Christian faith and incite communal tensions.
As a result, the Meghalaya Police registered a First Information Report (FIR) against Sagar and his companions, with charges related to trespassing, disturbing public peace, and insulting religious beliefs.
In the wake of the FIR, Akash Sagar responded on social media, attempting to defend his actions. In a now-deleted post, he questioned the legitimacy of the complaint, asking, “For saying Jai Shree Ram?” He also shared screenshots of media reports about the FIR, accusing his critics of behaving like “traitors.”
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